Q&A* | The Ruling of Congregational Supplication After the Obligatory Prayers – Al-Allāmah Ibn Baz رحمه الله


First, what is the ruling of congregational supplication after the obligatory prayers?

Al-Allāmah ibn Baaz (may Allāh have mercy upon him) answered:

The congregational supplication (that is made collectively) after the obligatory Solat (Prayer) or in other circumstances, is an innovation that has no basis (in the Religion), even if it is done in other situations (other than after the prayer). Their action of collectively supplicating in unison has no basis (in the Religion).

Rather, a person should supplicate alone for himself, or he could supplicate while others say “Ameen” (O Allāh accept it), like in the Qunut (supplication during the prayer), where the Imam supplicates and those behind the Imam respond by saying “Ameen.” As for supplicating collectively in unison, there is no basis for it, especially after the prayer. All these (practices) are innovations.

A person should supplicate for himself, between himself and his Lord, at the last part of the prayer, just before he completes the prayer (before he says the teslim) or after the prayer (after he says the teslim). He should supplicate between himself and his Lord. He should supplicate without raising his hands. There is no issue with this (supplicating alone without raising his hands).

However, as for the Imam supplicating and he (the Imam) raises his hands and they (the congregation) also raise their hands with him while they supplicate in unison, this has no basis and it is not from the legislation (Shari’ah).

Likewise, raising the voice while collectively supplicating in unison. All these have no basis, not in the Masjid, nor in other circumstances (outside the Masjid).

[Translated by Abu Umar ‘Abdulhakeem & Abu Tayyibah Sadiq]

Source (via binbaz.org.sa)

أسألكم أولًا عن حكم الدعاء الجماعي بعد الصلاة المكتوبة؟

الدعاء الجماعي بعد الصلاة المكتوبة، أو في غيرها، بدعة لا أصل له، حتى في غير الصلاة، كونهم يدعون دعاء جماعيًا، ما له أصل، إنما الإنسان يدعو لنفسه، أو يدعو ويؤمن إخوانه كالقنوت، يدعو الإمام ويؤمن المأمومون، أما يدعو بصوت واحد جماعيًا، هذا لا أصل له، ولا سيما عقب الصلاة، كل هذا بدعة.ـ
فالإنسان يدعو لنفسه، بينه وبين ربه في آخر الصلاة قبل أن يسلم، أو بعد السلام بينه وبين ربه، يدعو من دون رفع اليدين، لا بأس بهذا، بينه وبين نفسه، أما أن يدعو الإمام ويرفع يديه وهم يرفعون أيدهم معه ويدعون هذا لا أصل له، وليس من الشرع، وهكذا رفع الصوت بالدعاء جماعيًا بصوت واحد كل هذا لا أصل له، لا في المسجد، ولا في غير المسجد، نعم.ـ

congregational supplication, du'aa, salaah, salat, supplication, unison


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