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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Please read about the Center here:

Your contributions will insha’Allah go a long way to sustain and maintain the Centre’s current temporary location and also support other da’wah activities of the Centre.

We humbly request our brothers and sisters to make du’aa to Allaah to grant us tawfeeq and success in our efforts.

Also, please donate generously towards this cause. We supplicate Allaah to reward you for every success in the spread of the Salafi Da’wah in Nigeria.

For inquiries, please contact us via the Contact page or send an e-mail to

Please send all donations to:

Donations within Nigeria:

Account Name: Salafi Educational Centre Nigeria
Account Number: 1771814477
Bank Name: Polaris Bank Limited

Foreign Donations:


OR, Bank Transfer:

Account Name: Dar ul Hadith.
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort-Code: 30-95-42
Account Number: 63918768
*Please reference all donations: SCNigeria*

May Allah accept your donations and make it heavy on your scales of good.

بارك الله فيكم

Please note: Clarification & Disclaimer.


Account Name: Salafi Educational Centre Nigeria
Account Number: 1771814477
Bank Name: Polaris Bank Limited

For foreign donations:

Account Name: Dar ul Hadith.
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort-Code: 30-95-42
Account Number: 63918768
Please reference all donations: SCNigeria