Don’t Sit with a Person of Bid’ah

قال مصعب (بن سعد بن أبي وقاص رحمهم الله): “لا تُجالس مَفتُونًا؛ فإنه لن يخطئك إلا بإحدى اثنتين، إما أن يَفتِنَكَ فتُتَابعه، وإما أن يؤذيك قبل أن تفارقه”

الشرح والإبانة على أصول السنة والديانة لابن بطة العكبري، (ص ٩٦ طبعة مكتبة دار الحجاز)

Mus’ab (Ibn Sa’ad Ibn Abī Waqqās رحمهم الله) said:

“Do not sit with a person afflicted (with bid’ah, innovation). He will definitely harm you with either of these: it is either he lures and afflicts you (with his bid’ah) and then you follow him (in his innovation and heresy), or he harms you (with his bid’ah, innovation) before you abandon him.”

Source: as-Sharhu wal Ibānah ‘alā Usool as-Sunnah wa Diyānah by Ibn Battah al-‘Akbarī, (Pg. 96, Dārul-Hijāz Print)

bid'ah, innovation, warning


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