The People of Bid’ah Begin with Authentic Narrations Before Introducing their Innovations
قال الشيخ عبيد بن عبدالله الجابري:¹
ما أحسن ما قاله مفضل بن مهلهل رحمه الله: “لو كان صاحب البدعة إذا جلست إليه يحدثك ببدعته حذرت منه، ولكنه يحدثك بأحاديث السنة في بدوِّ مجلسه، ثم يدخل عليك بدعته، فلعلها تلزم قلبك، فمتى تخرج من قلبك؟”²
¹البيان المفيد في شرح كتاب التوحيد للشيخ العلامة عبيد بن عبدالله بن سليمان الجابري (ص ٢٣٥، الطبعة: دار الميراث النبوي)
²أخرجه ابن بطة في الإبانة – (٤٤٤/٢)
Shaykh ‘Ubayd Ibn ‘Abdullāh al-Jābirī (حفظه الله) said¹:
How excellent is that which Mufadhal Ibn Muhalhal (رحمه الله) said:
“Were it to be that the first time you sit with a person of bid’ah (innovation and heresy), he speaks with his innovation and calls you to it, you would have warned against him.
Rather, he will first speak to you with the ahādīth of the Sunnah (authentic narrations of the Prophetic traditions), and then later on, he will introduce his innovation to you in such a way that it might stick to your heart.
So, when will it (the bid’ah, innovation) leave your heart?”²
¹al-Bayan al-Mufīd fi Sharh Kitāb at-Tawhīd (Pg 235, Mirāth an-Nabawiyy Print)
²Narrated by Ibn Battah in al-Ibānah (2/444)