Lesson 21: Book of Purification from Umdatul-Ahkam – Uways at-Taweel
Explanation of Hadeeths #2 & #3 of the Chapter of Ghusl from Janābah, describing the Ghusl (Ritual Bath) of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ.
Some points covered:
- A brief biography of the wife of the Prophet ﷺ, Maimoonah bint al-Harith (may Allāh be pleased with her)
- Descriptions of the complete form of making Ghusl according to the Sunnah
- Other benefits from the two hadeeths
The class was held on Saturday, 29th of Rajab, 1442 (March 13th, 2021).
ablution, hadeeth, purification, umdatul-ahkam, Uwais At-Taweel, wudoo