Lesson 16: The ‘Aqeedah (Creed) of al-Raaziyyaan – Uways at-Taweel
Points #21 & #22 of Aqeedah of al-Raziyyaan:
وأَهْلُ الكَبَائِرِ في مَشِيئَةِ اللهِ عَزَّوجَلَّ
[21. Those who commit major sins are subject to the Will of Allah (‘azza wa jall).]
ولا نُكَفِّرُ أَهْلَ القِبْلَةِ بِذُنُوبِهِم ونَكِلُ أَسْرَارَهُم إلى اللهِ عَزَّوجَلَّ
[22. We do not declare the People of the Qiblah (i.e. the Muslims) to be disbelievers due to their sins. Rather, we leave what is concealed of their affairs to Allah (‘azza wa jall).]
Topics covered:
- Description and definition of Major Sins and their number
- The necessity to repent from Major Sins
- The Belief of Ahl-us-Sunnah regarding Muslims who commit Major Sins (their state in the Dunya and Aakhirah) – according to the Qur’an and Sunnah
The class was held on Saturday, November 21st, 2020.
aqeedah, aqidah, attributes, belief, creed, raziyayn, sifaat