Celebrating the Mawlid - A Path to Shirk

Ibn Bāz: Celebrating the Mawlid – A Path to Shirk

The Imām Shaykh Ibn Bāz (رحمه الله) stated:

“المقصود أن الراجح هو أن الاحتفال بالمولد بدعة ولا يجوز فعله، وإن فعله كثير من الناس الآن، فالبدع لا ترجع سنة بفعل الناس، البدع بدع وإن فعلها الناس، ولكن المشروع للمسلمين العناية بأحاديثه وسيرته والسير على منهاجه، وتدريس سنته في المدارس وفي المساجد، تعليم الناس لسنته ودينه في المسجد في المدرسة في أي احتفال في الإذاعة حتى يتعلم الناس دينهم، وحتى يسترشدوا بما بينه لهم عليه الصلاة والسلام هذا هو المشروع.
أما الاحتفال بمولده في ربيع الأول من كل سنة بالأكل والشرب والذبائح والخطب هذا لا أصل له، هذا من البدع وهو وسيلة إلى الشرك، كثير من هؤلاء المحتفلين يقع منهم الشرك والغلو في النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام مع البدعة. نسأل الله السلامة.”

“The point is that the correct position regarding the celebration of the Mawlid (Birthday of the Prophet ﷺ) is that it is a bid’ah (innovation and heresy in the religion), and it is not permissible to observe it, even though many people do so these days. Bida’ (innovations and heresies) do not become Sunnah just by the action of the people. Bida’ (innovations and heresies) remains bida’ even if the people perform it.

(Rather,) what is legislated for the Muslims is for them to pay attention to and concern themselves with the narrations (of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his biography and that they proceed upon his guidance, teach his Sunnah in schools and Masājid, and educate the people of his Sunnah and his Religion in the Masjids, in the schools, at any events, and on radio stations; such that the people learn and are educated about their Religion, and so that they are guided by what he صلى الله عليه وسلم clarified (of the affairs of the Religion) to them. This is what is legislated (for the Muslims).

As for the celebration of his birthday in the month of Rabi’ul Awwal every year by eating, drinking, slaughtering and giving talks, there is no basis (in the religion) for any of that. (Rather,) it is a form of bida’, and it is a path to Shrik (ascribing partners to Allāh). Many of those who celebrate (the birthday) fall into Shirk and extremism regarding the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم with bid’ah (innovation and heresy).

We ask Allāh for security.”

Source: This excerpt is taken from fatāwā “Nūr ‘alā al-Darb”, Fatwa # 12650. (هل الاحتفال بالمولد النبوي جائز؟)

birthday, birthdays, celebrations, image_post, innovation, mawlid, prophet birthday


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