Lesson 10: Book of Prayer from Umdatul-Ahkam – Uways at-Taweel
Explanation of Hadeeths #5 & #6 of the Chapter of the Virtue of Congregational Prayer and its Obligation, in the Book of Prayer from Umdatul-Ahkām, regarding the regular sunnah prayers
Some points discussed:
– Clarification of the Rawātib (regular sunnah prayers that come with the 5 obligatory prayers)
– The preference of praying them at home
– The special status of the 2 rak’ah before the Fajr prayer and the sunnah of praying them lightly
– Other benefits regarding the Rawātib prayers
The class was held on Saturday, 22nd of Rabee al-Thani, 1443 (November 27th, 2021).
Book of Prayer from Umdatul-Ahkam, hadeeth, nafilah, prayer, rawaatib, salaah, Salafi Nigeria, salat, sunnah, umdatul-ahkam, Uwais At-Taweel