تسجيل المحاضرة: أهمية التوحيد في حياة المسلم ويليها أجوبة عن بعض الأسئلة المنهجية – لفضيلة الشيخ د. عبدالله بن صلفيق الظفيري
Note: This is the recording of the Arabic lecture of Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn Salfeeq adh-Dhafairi – may Allah preserve him – regarding the Importance of Tawheed in the Life of a Muslim, along with some questions & answers regarding Manhaj.
It was held on Saturday, the 17th of Rabee al-Awwal, 1443 (23rd October, 2021).
Insha’Allah, the English translation of the lecture would be uploaded separately.
aqeedah, aqidah, lecture, manhaj, qanda, recording, salaf, salafi