محاضرة بعنوان: حقيقة المنهج السلفي وأهميته في إصلاح الفرد والمجتمع والأمة – لفضيلة الشيخ الدكتور عبدالله بن صلفيق الظفيري

Note: This is the recording of the Arabic lecture of Shaykh ‘Abdullah adh-Dhafairi – may Allah preserve him – regarding the reality and importance of the Salafi Manhaj; which was held, by the grace and mercy of Allah, as part of the Salafi Nigeria Aqeedah and Manhaj Series of year 1442.

It was held on the 27th of Muharram 1442 (15th of September 2020).

Insha’Allah, the English translation of the lecture would be uploaded separately soon.

aqeedah, aqidah, lecture, manhaj, recording, salaf, salafi


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