Lesson 6: Book of Purification from Umdatul-Ahkam – Uwais at-Taweel

In this sixth lesson on the Book of Purification from Umdatul-Ahkam, our teacher, Uways at-Taweel (may Allah preserve him), explains the 9th hadeeth of the chapter. Some points covered were:

    1. Starting with the right side in all noble affairs including purification
    2. A number of affairs one should perform beginning with the right side
    3. A number of affairs one should perform beginning with the left side

The class was held on Saturday, 4th of Dhul-Hijjah, 1441 (July 25th, 2020).

ablution, hadeeth, purification, umdatul-ahkam, Uwais At-Taweel, wudoo


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