The Cure To Deficiency Lies in Tawheed – Ibn Taymiyyah
قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :
” فمن أحسّ بتقصير في قوله أو عمله أو حاله أو رزقه أو تقلّب قلب: فعليه بالتوحيد والاستغفار ففيهما الشفاء”.
الفتاوى 698/11.
Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:
“So whoever perceives (from himself) deficiency (shortcomings) in his speech or actions or his condition or his sustenance or a change of heart, then he should holdfast to tawheed and seeking forgiveness, for in them is the cure.”
Al-Fataawaa 11/698.