Protests Demonstrations Evil - Shaykh Rabee 2

Corruption and Evils of Demonstrations & Protests (2) – Al-‘Allamah Rabee’ ibn Haadee al-Madkhali

Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhali (may Allah preserve him) stated:

It has become very clear beyond doubt that demonstrations and protest marches are not permissible according to the Shar’ (Islamic Legislation), even if they are intended to demand a right or remove an oppression or injustice.

Whoever claims that (demonstration and protest marches) are permissible or obligatory is either ignorant of the Prophetic proofs (that censure demonstrations and protests) or he is pretending to be ignorant of it, so let him fear Allāh.

[Source: Hukm al-Mudhaaharaat fil-Islaam, available on the Shaykh’s website: link. Accessed 23rd Muharram 1446 (29th July 2024).]

Translated by Abu Umar Abdul-Hakeem & Abu Tayyibah Sadiq

-قال العلامة الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي – حفظه الله تعالى

وقد ظهر جلياً أن المظاهرات والمسيرات لا تجوز شرعاً، ولو كانت للمطالبة بحق أو رفع ظلم، والذي يدَّعي إباحتها أو وجوبها إما جاهل بالنصوص النبوية أو متجاهل لها، فليتقِ الله

demonstrations, protests, warning


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