Corruption and Evils of Demonstrations & Protests (1) – Al-‘Allamah Rabee’ ibn Haadee al-Madkhali
Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhali (may Allah preserve him) stated:
There is no demonstration (or protest) in the entire world, including Europe and America, except there occurs in it corruption and destruction, vandalization and sabotage of properties, damage of cars, looting of stores, bloodshed, and the spread of terror and fear, all of which are not permitted neither by sound intellect nor by the Shar’ (Islamic Legislation).
Rather, Allāh’s Legislation prohibits it in the strongest terms
The rare occasions (without bloodshed, havoc, destruction of properties, etc.), if there are any, are not considered.
[Source: Hukm al-Mudhaaharaat fil-Islaam, available on the Shaykh’s website: link. Accessed 23rd Muharram 1446 (29th July 2024).]
Translated by Abu Umar Abdul-Hakeem & Abu Tayyibah Sadiq
-قال العلامة الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي – حفظه الله تعالى
فما من مظاهرة في الدنيا بما في ذلك أوروبا وأمريكا إلا ويقع فيها من الفساد والإفساد والتخريب وتدمير الممتلكات وتحطيم السيارات ونهب المتاجر وسفك الدماء وبث الرعب والخوف ما لا يجيزه عقل ولا شرع، بل يحرمه شرع الله أعظم التحريم، ولا عبرة بالنادر إن حصل