Insightful Clarification of the Reality of Abu Jābir Muhammad Thāmin – Shaykh Nizār Ibn Hāshim Al-Abbās
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Insightful Clarification of the Reality of Abu Jābir Muhammad Thāmin – Shaykh Nizār Ibn Hāshim Al-Abbās1
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
This is a question from Nigeria to his eminence Shaykh Nizār Ibn Hashim Al-Abbās – may Allāh preserve him – regarding “Muhammad Thāmin Tayyib Sirāj Al-Kanowī, nicknamed Abu Jābir”, is he from your students and do you advise seeking knowledge from him?
Answer by Shaykh Nizār Ibn Hashim Al-Abbās – may Allāh preserve him – :
Wa ‘alaykum salām warahmatullāh wabarakātuh,
Not everyone who was with us here in Sūdān – from its people or those from Africa and elsewhere, who came to it (to seek knowledge) – (not all of them) were upon firm Salafiyyah and the pure Salafi Methodology. The criterion is not that they are with Nizār or other than him from the Salafis, In Shā’ Allāh, rather, the (true) criterion is being upon the truth, strictly treading the path of the Salafi Methodology and following the steps of the Major Scholars and being steadfast upon it, as well as not turning away (from the Salafi Methodology) and not having different faces and changing according to situations, events, and interests – (this is) not because of aiding Salafiyyah and its people- especially during the times of Fitan (trials and tribulations) and weakness and fierce effort of the opposers, and the raging conflict between the truth and its people and falsehood and its people. We ask Allāh for well-being.
There is no doubt that the person mentioned in the question was with us in Sūdān, but there were some affairs and issues noticed regarding him, I and others from the students of knowledge called his attention to them (these affairs and issues). Then he disappeared for a period of time, and according to the testimonies of trustworthy individuals, he changed and mixed with those who opposed the Salafi Da’wah and those who distanced themselves from its path and the path of its Major Scholars. So, I do not recommend him or refer (people) to him even if he says he knows Nizār or (he says) he knows a thousand Nizārs.
So, let him and others learn the Salafi Manhaj and they should follow it and they should be truthful with Allāh and with Salafiyyah and its people, and they should know their levels (in the Da’wah) and stay away from putting themselves forward and feigning knowledge and putting themselves forward in authoring and writings before its time (i.e. before they are qualified to do so). (Rather) they should strive to be firmly grounded in authentic knowledge and connect their families and people to it (the authentic knowledge) and (connect them) with the Senior Scholars and their well-grounded students, and they must be truthful and sincere in doing so for the sake of Allāh.
The Salafi Da’wah is not partisan, or (meant) to seek prestige or fame or to be pompous and (for personal) interest, nor (should it be the case that the) one who opposes it, ascribes himself to it (falsely) and then strikes it, its people, and its scholars and he (who claimed to be a Salafi) watch (quietly) the blow and strife (against the Salafis) with plans and mighty plots. Then suddenly one of them comes and says: “I am a Salafi … a Salafi ..” while he has a dark and evil past. This is how they belittle the intelligence of the Salafis and the common Muslims. This is not a matter of play and joke.
There are well-known conditions, that the religion explains as the responsibility of the person who wants to return to the truth after deviating from it, and after waging war against it and its people; from (these conditions are) honesty, repentance, rectification, clarification, clear retraction, steadfastness upon the truth, joining the path of its people, defending them, and loving them, while taking knowledge from them, because this is Allāh’s Religion and its principles.
Yes, the true Salafis are delighted when an opposer returns to the truth, and they hope for it (i.e., his return to the truth) and it makes them happy, and all praise be to Allāh. Because, by the Will of Allāh, they are the most keen to guide the people and rectify them without compromising or relinquishing their Manhaj (methodology), and without bargaining their Manhaj or its principles and foundations.
(These affairs) have been for a while now, I didn’t recollect the full details regarding the person in question; however, I later remembered (some details) and I was reminded (of other details) by trustworthy brothers who were around during that time and about the brother in question (Abu Jabir). Hence, due to this and other affairs, it became necessary to make this clarification.
I ask Allāh for myself and for all, to grant us all success to the truth and to every good with honesty and a firm commitment to that.
And Allāh is the One Who Grants success, the One Who Guides to the straight path.
Written by:
Nizār Ibn Hāshim Al-Abbās
Dated 25th Muharram, 1444H
Then it was published on 4th Muharram, 1446H
When it became clear that the man (Abu Jābir) is still upon the same path.
The Shaykh’s official channel on Telegram:
[1] Translated by Abu ‘Umar ‘AbdulHakeem and Abu Tayyibah Sādiq (Title in English was added by the translators.)
[2] This question was requested by the brothers at Salafi Centre Nigeria around the 26th Dhul Hijjah, 1443 (25th July, 2022) via Brother Muhammad Kabīr (while he was in Sūdān) to Shaykh Nizår Ibn Hāshim.
[3] PDF Download of this translation
The comment of Shaykh Abu Sulaiman Fu’ād Al-Zintānī – may Allāh preserve him
I have read the statement of Shaykh Nizār regarding Abu Jābir, I agree with Shaykh Nizār in what he said and I withdraw my tazkiyyah (praise and recommendation) for this individual until he repents to Allāh and retracts from the issues that were held against him, a retraction that is clear and explicit, with no ambiguity in it.
May Allāh grant everyone success.
Written by:
Abu Sulaimān Fu’ād Al-Zintānī
10th Muharram 1446 H
بسم الله الرحمن الرحميم
هذا سؤالٌ وَرَدَ من نيجيريا إلى فضيلة الشيخ نزار بن هاشم العباس -حفظه الله- عن (محمد ثامن طيب سراج الكنوي المكنى بأبي جابر) هل هو من طلابكم، وهل تنصحون بأخذ العلم منه؟
جواب الشيخ نزار بن هاشم العباس – حفظه الله تعالى:ـ
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته.
أولاً: ما كل من كان عندنا في السودان هنا -مِن أهله أو أهل أفريقيا وغيرها الذين وفدوا عليه- كانوا على الجادة السلفية والمنهج السلفي الناصع، والعبرة ليست بأن يكونوا مع نزار أو غيره من السلفيين إن شاء الله، العبرة بالسير على الحق والمشي على المنهج السلفي وعلى خطى الكبار والثبات عليه وعدم التغير والتلون والتقلب حسب تغير الأوضاع والواقع والمصالح -لا لأجل نصرة السلفية وأهلها- خاصةً أزمان الفتن والضعف وتكالب المخالِفين والصراع المحتدِم بين الحق وأهله والباطل وأهله، نسأل الله العافية
ثانياً: والمذكور في السؤال لاشك كان عندنا في السودان، لكن كانت عليه ملحوظات وأمور ونبَّهته عليها وغيري من الإخوة طلاب العلم، ثم اختفى برهةً من الزمان، وبحسب إفادات الثقات أنه تقلَّب وتداخَل مع المخالفين لهذه الدعوة السلفية والذين ابتعَدوا عن خطِّها وخطِّ كبارها.
فأنا لا أزكيه ولا أرشِد إليه حتى لو قال يَعرِف نزاراً أو ألفَ نزار.
ليعرِف هو وغيرُه المنهج السلفي، وليسيروا عليه، وليَصدُقوا مع الله ومع السلفية وأهلها، وليعرفوا قدر أنفسهم ويبتعدوا عن التصدر والتعالم والتصدر للتأليف والكتابة قبل أوانها، وليؤسسوا أنفسهم على العلم الصحيح، وليربطوا أهلهم وشعوبهم به وبأهل العلم الكبار وطلابهم الراسخين وليصدُقوا في ذلك لله تعالى.
ثالثاً: الدعوة السلفية ليست حزباً، أو جاهاً، أو شهرةً، أو أُبَّهةً ومَصلحةً، أو يَنتسب إليها مَن يخالفها ويصادمها وأهلَها وعلماءَها وطلابَها وينظر في ذلك الصدام والصراع مع التخطيط والمكر الكُبَّار.. ثم فجأةً يأتي أحدهم ويقول: “أنا سلفي.. سلفي..” وله ماضٍ مظلمٌ سيءٌ، هكذا يَستخف بعقول السلفيين وعامة المسلمين، هذا أمرٌ ليس بلعبٍ وهزلٍ، هنالك شروطٌ معروفةٌ بيَّنها الدِّين في حق مَن أراد الرجعة للحق بعد انحرافٍ عنه وحربٍ له ولأهله؛ مِن الصدق، والتوبة، والإصلاح، والبيان، والرجعة الواضحة، والثبات على الحق، والانضمام إلى رِكاب أهله، والدفاع عنهم، وحبهم، مع أخذ العلم عنهم، لأن هذا هو دين الله وأصوله..
نعم السلفيون الصادقون يفرحون برجوع مخالِفٍ للحق ويتمنَّون ذلك ويسعدهم والحمد لله؛ لأنهم إن شاء الله أحرصَ الناس على هداية الناس وإصلاحهم مع عدم المجاملة أو التنازل عن منهجهم والمساومة عليه وعلى مبادئه وأسسه..
وقد كنت برهةً من الزمن لا أتذكَّر تفاصيله لكنني تذكرتها وذُكِّرتُ ببعضها أيضاً مِن قِبَلِ الإخوة الثقات المعاصرين لتلك الفترة وللأخ المسؤول عنه، فلَزِم ذلك وغيره هذا التوضيح.
وأسأل الله لي وللجميع التوفيق للحق ولكل خير مع الصدق والسير الأكيد على ذلك.
والله الموفق الهادي إلى سواء السبيل.
نزار بن هاشم العباس
بتاريخ ٢٥ – المحرم – ١٤٤٤
ثمَّ نُشِر بتاريخ ٤ – المحرم – ١٤٤٦
لمَّا تبيَّن أنَّ الرجل لازال يسير على نفس المنوال.
الصفحة الرسمية للشيخ على التلجرام:
تعليق الشيخ أبي سليمان فؤاد الزنتاني -حفظه الله-:
“قد قرأت كلام الشيخ نزار في أبي جابر، وأنا مع الشيخ نزار فيما قال وأرجع عن تزكيتي لهذا الشخص حتى يتوب إلى الله ويرجع عما أُخِذ عليه رجوعاً واضحاً بيناً لا غموض فيه. وفق الله الجميع.
كتبه أبو سليمان فؤاد الزنتاني
بتاريخ 10 محرم 1446هجري”.